Digital Forensics

From Catania to the whole globe, iCTLab provides its Digital Forensics services even in high complexity cases. Our services are provided by specialised professionals, through the use of state-of-the-art technologies which are easily adaptable for any eventuality. We detect, analyse and digitally reconstruct data and case dynamics.

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We just need data, the device and your requests
We’ll do a feasibility assessment and, if positive, we’ll proceed with our work.
Our Expert will take charge of the case
To identify every element useful to the case resolution and keeping the contact with the client to assist him with any needed request.
Presentation of findings
Results and conclusions will be presented in appropriate fora using the best multimedia expositive devices.

Come Operiamo

recupero dai cloud
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We just need data,
your device and your requests.

We’ll do a feasibility assessment and, if positive, we’ll proceed with our work.

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Our Expert will take charge of the case

To identify every element useful to the case resolution and keeping the contact with the client to assist him with any needed request.

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Presentation of findings

Results and conclusions will be presented in appropriate fora using the best multimedia expositive devices.

Top Services

analisi dispositivi
Complete take-over of smartphone and mobile devices data.
Learn more
ricostruzioni targhe
Car Plate Reconstruction
Reconstructing driving plates from blurred or low quality footage.
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3D VR Ballistic Analysis
Innovativa soluzione brevettata per l’analisi forense di bossoli in ambiente 3D VR.
Learn more

iCTLab in numbers

Our company is an industry leader and it's actively involved in work and research on a multitude of projects other than the cases we face daily.

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Driving plate reconstructions

Biometric Analysis performed

Consulting efficiency

Case Studies

We have been working every day on new cases coming from every part of Italy and Europe.
Below are some of the cases in which we have provided professional advice and in which
we have been able to elaborate case outcomes.

Riconoscimento di un soggetto e analisi dei dati biometrici
Riconoscimento di un soggetto e analisi dei dati biometrici L’analisi mira a identificare un individuo catturato dal...
Projectile Trajectory Reconstruction
Ricostruzione della traiettoria di un proiettile Esame mirato a determinare l’ istante dello sparo, con conseguente individuazione...

Our clients


They will ensure that your problem is properly analyzed and will work to find clues that could respond to the client's needs.

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