Experts In Helping You

These are some of many Digital Forensics services that iCTLab provides for any of your needs.

Digital Forensics catania
Multimedia Contents
Contenuti Multimediali Reperti audio, video o fotografici? Puoi capirli? Puoi fidarti? Rendi chiaro...
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digital forensics università di catania
Dispositivi Smartphone, PC o persino droni coinvolti? Recuperiamo, estraiamo e analizziamo ogni tipo...
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digital forensics
Web data
In an ever-changing cyberworld we collect and analyse data coming from every web source. Crystallise social media posts, chat messages or navigation histories and make it ready to be used in court.
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digital forensics università
Events Reconstruction
Ricostruzione Eventi Non si può tornare più nel passato. Non per noi! Ricostruiamo eventi in grafica...
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They will ensure that your problem is properly analyzed and will work to find clues that could respond to the client's needs.

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