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digital forensics Catania ictlab

Anthropometric analysis and object comparison

Comparison of the clothing and objects worn by the robbers and analysis of the anthropometric characteristics of the subjects under investigation.


Deputy Public Prosecutor

The Case

Comparison of clothing and seized items from two subjects and detection of their respective anthropometric characteristics, in order to establish their guilt.

Examined Evidence

Evaluation of the video material contained on a DVD and extracted from the surveillance cameras of two commercial activities.

Techniques adopted

Video frames improvement through Amped Five software.


An analysis based on the comparison of clothing and objects owned by the perpetrators of the robbery and those seized has been carried out.

Through this process, several elements have emerged with a judgment of high compatibility between the clothing and objects worn and those confiscated.

Additionally, the physique, coded as robust for subject 1 and lean for subject 2, corresponds to the statements made by a witness present at the time of the crime, as reported in the statements.

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